Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Disconnect to Connect"

Add campaign for Thai phone company Dtac. The concept "disconnect to connect" encourages the audience to pay attention to the real world in order to be really connected to people.


1.     Introduction / Overview
The channels of personal communication (brief history)
Social media and technology on people’s daily basis communications

2.     Connection vs Conversation
The urge of being connected
The changes in human behavior
The negative responses

3.     Constructing selves
The unconscious mind
The importance of the relationships

4.     Designing Behaviors
Technological habits
How to stimulate new human behaviors
Optimizing human relationships

5.     Conclusion and Further Questions

new hypothesis

This thesis presents the hypothesis that people can use of technology to strengthen their relationships in real life. The desire to accumulate as much information and accomplish as much tasks as possible stimulates an overdependence on mobile devices and a lack of attention to human relations. The prevalent existence of the digital world enables people to edit their thoughts and personality, giving less space to emotional responses and the unconscious mind to act. Such a hypothesis opens the demand of a digital interaction that would encourage people to intensify their connection to the real world, activating better their unconscious and development into prepared characters for life.

"Alone Together"

Sherry Turkle defends on her newest book - summarized on hers TED Talk, that social media is confusing our idea of authentic communication.
She is a professor in the Program in Science, Technology and Society at MIT and the founder and director of the MIT Initiative on Technology and Self.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

thesis hypothesis

This thesis presents the hypothesis that contemporary life’s rhythm is exponentially faster and more dependent to immediate responses. Specially in big urban centers, anxiety drives people’s routines and acts and is supported by tech. advances such as smart phones and tablets. The desire of accumulate as much information and accomplish as much tasks as possible stimulate a “time optimization mode”, which overcasts the satisfaction of “slow-cooked” thoughts. Letting time marinade ideas in the unconscious acts on the creation of deeper roots and meanings. The unconscious mind, despite being underestimated, is a much stronger tool/media to lifetime accomplishments. Such a hypothesis opens new objectives for messages, in which both rhythm and meaning absorption should be satisfied. Creating a communication method that pursues balance between maturation and instantaneity.

what the new generation pursuits

Video presenting the results of researches about the new generation of adults done by the Brazilian research agency Box1824

more David Brooks

On an interview to Charlie Rose about his book The Social Animal.

A longer version of his lecture to the Authors@Google series

studying human behavior

David Brooks explains at TED his conclusions about human behavior

human behavior observation

some observations from mine own direct experience about human behavior

·      People don’t wait for others to get out the train in order to get in (false feeling of making the ride faster?)
·      People they get bored easily  and are always looking for something to do (even playing with a pen…)
·      Kids have a very different time/spatial perception
·      Americans eat on the go
·      People give more time to strangers then to their own parents or relatives
·      People expect others to be available instantly and always (how was it before cell phones?)
·      People get used easily to new trends (even if at first there is a reaction)
·      People are naturally curios for exotics

inventing wishes

If I could make real a wish or desire for any purpose, it would be:
·      to teletransport – an instant transportation method
·      to understand all languages – an instant voice translator
·      to know on forefront if there is a wait or not on the restaurant – an app that tracks  people’s traffic in restaurants
·      to understand others feelings and mind – a gender mind decoder
·      to transfers to paper/screen exact imaginary images – a  faithful to mind input device